Ezpress / Ezpand Project (LGPL)

This project intends to create the smallest possible compression/decompression library in C for English text documents. Its use would be mostly on small devices or embedded systems with limited memory and processing resources.

The goal is to achieve a compression ratio of 50% minimum with a decompression library using 128Bytes of stack and 5KB or code maximium, and a compression library using 128Bytes of stack and 10KB of code maximum. The code must be capable of operating on streams.

The current Alpha version 0.1 is capable of compressing English text to an average of 66% (e.g. it compreses about one third). The current code is very primitive and it has not been built as a library yet, but as programs that act on stdin and stdout.

This is my first Open Source project (and the first I have been involved with) so it is not very well constructed. Any help/critics/hints would be greatly appreciated.

The project can be reached here.